Double Page Spread
Similarly to my front covers, I believe that the way I am going to create the best piece of work is by using my own photographs, images and content so that I can maximise the effect and show my understanding in this field further. Therefore, I have decided to not complete two prior plans (that can be seen below the new drawing), and alternatively I will draw a new plan with these features in mind.

After the drama of scrapping my two previous drawings, I started work on this magazine spread straight away. The first problem I ran into was chosing a font for the M4VA in the background. I downloaded and tried 17 fonts but to no avail. In the end I decided on 'Metropolis Black'. This font was still not perfect, however the general shape was what I was looking for. After some stretching and manipulation, this worked out exactly how I was hoping. All it took was a little trial and error.
For the font I used for the title, I stayed consistant with 'Chopsic'. I decided to make the name of the song larger in this title so that it is more recognisable and for the readers that skim read, this will grab their attention. Accompanying this, I have put the cover art below this to act as a similar vessel. To fill the empty space, I created a banner from the original logo, and changed the colour grade to black and white. This will act as an advertisement for the artists new album which is clearly teased in this banner. The font in this banner is called 'CF Punk Posters' and worked amazing for a punk/grunge cadence for this artist.
The image on the second page on the right is used to describe and show who the article is about. This is a photo that I took a while back and decided to recycle it for this project. It was edited by adding a grain effect, increased sharpness, and an RGB effect that adds a bleeding effect to the edges of the changes of contrast. This was done with an application on my iPhone called 'Prequel'. This app is very useful in editing photographs on my mobile, instead of having to upload them to my computer. For professional, industry work, I would make sure that I take the extra effort and complete this myself on an Adobe program. However, with my deadline quickly coming to a close, I found reusing this photograph appropriate for the cadence of my magazine.

For the article in my magazine spread, I had a lot of creative freedom. This was because this artist is a fictional character. Because of this, the importance for researching was lessened. I was able to make up facts and truths about the artist without a risk of the information being wrong. Saving time and allowing more attention on other aspects of my FMP. However, if this was a real industry product, I would have made sure to research the appropriate individual so that I was sure that the information I was giving was as close to the truth as possible. I would do this by undertaking my own interviews with the protagonist and using word for word quotes. The font I used for this text portion is 'Consolas'. This is the font that I have implemented for a plethora of different aspects of my project and I have consciously used the same one for consistency and recognisability. At the end of my article, I have made sure to include links to social media platforms such as the Instagram and website. I have used this as a kind of interactivity, in hopes that the reader will look at these sources and become a follower of the brands online presence. To make this feature more prominent in my magazine spread, I have put this in bold so it is the first thing the reader will be drawn to.