Practical Skills
Here I plan to document all elements of production, showcasing visual planning, what methods I used during creation and what problems I faced and how I adapted to them.
Creating my Brand
Before I can start production on my different products, I must plan and create a brand. This includes determining a catchy name, producing a logo that catches the eye, and also a colour palette.
To gather inspiration for a catchy brand name, I have produced a mindmap of existing successful companies. By doing so, I can spot patterns that will help in gaining my desired audiences attention. Many of these brands have the word "rock' in their titles to immediately tell the reader what the magazine is subject to. Taking this into consideration, my magazine is intended to focus on modern rock culture and the recent developments in the genre. This is why I have decided to name my brand the "New-Age Rock Magazine".

In creating a logo for a magazine, a common trend is to keep it very simple. Many other brands that I have researched feature only a clear font with the brand name written. I will take inspiration with this so that I stay in line with the conventions, my product is easily recognisable and so I do not overcomplicate the logo-making process.

Font 1: Chopsic
Font 2: Consolas
Another decision to make is deciding what colour palette to feature in my magazine. Many other products in this genre have very bold colours that stand out and that speak to the audience before the titles do. This is to keep the brand memorable and recognisable. Staying conformed to the simplicity traits of a magazine, I believe I am going to use shades of golden yellow, crimson and green. Specifically, a very dark green. This may change during the production phase as I will notice that certain colours dont blend well together. I will document if these changes are made. I also plan to overlay textures and gradients onto these colours, removing the solid colour, adding personality and ensuring my product looks professional.