Freelancer Profiles

This Actor profile is from a website called "". It is laid out very effectively to show employers important information. This freelancer has attached multiple images of themselves during different roles or showcasing different expressions to let the employer visualise the role they want the actor to play. Attributes like age, height, weight and eye colour are shown separately and clearly on the right hand side of the page, along with personal social media accounts or ways to contact the person. When scrolling down. you can see many different roles and jobs that the actor has partaken in. This is useful as you can instantly see the actors skills and further attributes without having to contact them. This is an example of a good profile and a well laid out freelancers website.

This profile is showcased on "". When searching the community, you can find many freelancers looking for work. It clearly states the professionals role, location, and career stage under their name. This is useful as you can get a grasp of how experienced the person is which will effect employability. It also gives you the option to "follow" the freelancer if you want to go back to their profile or keep up to date with what they're doing. There is a clear space for the user to write a biography about themselves as well as a clear work history that shows company names and the time frame they worked for these industries. After this, an education menu is shown. This is useful information that an employer will want to know to make sure you meet their minimum qualifications. There is also a nifty skills tag feature where the user can quickly and concisely let the employers know what their strengths are without having to write about it or go into great detail. I think this website is a good way to showcase a freelancers profile.

This profile is showcased on "". Fiverr is a well known freelancing website for almost any service you could think of. The good thing about Fiverr is you can create and chose different payment packages for companies on a budget or companies who only want a specific thing. This website also gives the user a biography box where they can add all of their personal details and past jobs. Another good aspect of Fiverr is the 5 star rating system. Here you can see other happy or unhappy customers and read reviews that will influence if you would like to employ this freelancer or not. Multiple images can be added which is useful to show skill - and there is also an estimated delivery time on each package to give the buyer a rough idea of what to expect. No secrets. In the search menu you can also add filters like where the user is living, an average star rating, languages they speak, budget, and different categories. This is very useful to an employer so they can find exactly what and who they want. You can also let the customers pay more for quicker delivery times so it becomes a higher priority to complete which is extremely useful for companies on a strict time frame.