Task 4
Developing my own Advertisement
I have decided to create an advertisement showcasing the shoe brand, Converse. I am going to continue with my skating theme as that is a hobby I am passionate about and will keep me motivated into making a good peice of work. I intend to create and ad with element of skateboarding showing the strength of the shoe, to target my demographic of teenagers - more specifically skaters.
The Converse Brand
Converse is an American owned shoe company that designs, distributes, and licenses sneakers, skating shoes, lifestyle brand footwear, apparel, and accessories. The brand, founded in 1908 has been a sub-company of Nike since 2003.
Converse has gained popularity through the social media app TikTok. There have been new users who have arisen and adopted this 'skater aesthetic'. Suede Converse are a key part of these outfits. This gain in popularity has rebranded the style and fashion of skateboarders alongside the 'skater aesthetic' which derives from the new generation of teenagers.
The adverts by Converse have a reoccouring theme of diversity. In every official ad I have watched, it is always said that the brand is for anybody, in any scenario, at any time. Although this is a very good way of marketing, and shows the usefullness of the product in different situations, I would like to adapt from these existing adverts and create my own being souly targeted towards teenagers and skaters. Another reoccuring theme in Converse adverts is quick cuts and upbeat music. This appeals to teenagers, young adults, and even some older. This montage-esque design in the ads allows the brand to stand out and appeal to their very diverse target audience. In this advert specifcally, there are voices that tell their story. These voices are from all different backgrounds, and possibly relate to the audience or viewer and subconciously attracting them towards the brand as people normally stick with what they know.
This Vans advert has captured my attention as this one is more targeted towards skaters. I like the storytelling in this ad as it leaves a positive, motivating and relatable message with the audience to think about. The wholesome, brotherhood bond in the advert will make the viewer think of their friends or people they skate with to make a positive difference. It will stay in the viewers mind and create a talking point in conversation. I really like the shot locations, camera angles, and the close-up shots. They are definitely something I will try to incorporate in my own ad. The music in this advert is more of a raw, open soundtrack that adds a spacious and motivational cadence. I like this advert as I feel as if it normalises skateboarding and doesn't represent it as a rebellious. The ad appeals to families as the friendly vibe radiates brotherhood, and positivity - and could persuade parents to purchase the product for their children.

Production Risk Assessment
Programme title: Converse Advertisement
Writer, Producer and Director: Matt Ede
Date: TBD - Filming in 2021
Major issues:
Wrist pain from being sprained
Ankle injury from past incident
Social Distancing while out in public
Permission to skate and film at location
Wear wrist brace if it feels bad, but being cautious should be enough
Wore an ankle brace and took breaks accordingly
Wear a mask whenever I cannot be <2m away from pedestrians
Ask security if they're patrolling or look out for permission signs
My Concept
The concept for my 30 second Converse advertisement is to create a relatable environment for skaters and send the message that the morning routine isn't complete without a pair of Converse shoes. I plan to do this by filming the morning routine of my protagonist, highlighting the process of putting the sneakers on, and film some cinematic skating shots to appeal to my psychographic. One editing technique I would like to incorporate is for around 3-4 seconds, change the aspect ratio to 4:3, add high amounts of grain and saturation, then change back to the original shot. These editing techniques will appeal to the creators and viewers of social media platforms such as TikTok which has helped increase the popularity of the brand recently. The music I will use in my advertisement will have elements of an indie subculture. This will help appeal to a large majority of the skating community and my target audience. I will end the advert with a cut-scene with text, explaining where you can purchase the product and how you can support the brand.
I have chosen this song for my advertisement. It has a great progression and drop that will fit my ad perfectly. With inspiration from indie bands like Rex Orange County and Brakence, this is perfect to appeal to my demographic. I plan to only use from 0:14 seconds to 0:44 seconds as this gives me enough time to work on beat, and still stay in my 30 second provided time slot. I will cut the song either straight in After Effects, or if I need more precise edits, I will use Audition or FL Studio 12.
For the sound effects in my video, I am going to record sounds like a skateboard pop, land and rolling to replace the original audio. This will ensure that my ad has crisp, clear audio with consistent volumes as the original audio will be distorted, have lots of echo, and the volume will fluctuate depending on how far away the character is from the camera. For the scenes of being at home, I am going to get sounds of fabric rustling, brushing teeth, spraying after shave, shower and water sounds to have the same effect and increase how crisp and clear my audio is. I wil further plan this aspect of my advert after I have a completed the storyboard and have a better idea of what exactly I will need.