Rogue One Sources & Useful Information
This is not the Bibliography. That can be found here:
This freelancer was hired by EA to create a concept trailer for the Rogue One DLC of the Star Wars Battlefront II video game. Although this is not directly linked to the film, this will give me an insight into how Star Wars is storyboarded, and how much detail is taken. These images could give some good inferences to use in during pre-production in comparison to the real movie storyboard.
"Lucasfilm has realized a preview to The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which includes hundreds of concept paintings, sketches, storyboards, matte paintings, and character, costume, and vehicle designs" - This website shows many of the concept paintings that were found, as well as concept characters and personalities. This helped vastly in the auditioning, storytelling, location reccies, costumes, and effects to be used in post production. From the articles written and notes taken in these images, I could find some really useful information and insight into how this film was created.

This website presents more concept art, costumes and matte paintings created by LucasFilms for the Rogue One movie. These images focus on character casting and costume design which gave these teams a headstart in what to look for. These detailed drawings portray the classic Star Wars themes and colours which is very important to get spot on when creating such an iconic film such as Star Wars. At the bottom of this article there is a link to a YouTube video which shows interviews with the cast and crew about their enjoyment and creation of the film. The video is only short, but has some useful information for my magazine.
This article goes into deep detail about the previsualisation team. the filming, filming techniques and how some of the scenes were created. Going into detail about the CGI and scene creation, as well as secrets into the techniques used to create certain effects throughout the movie. With interviews from the cast in this article as well, this will be a very useful source of information during the creation of my magazine spread.
This short article gives the reader some intel about why the film was reconceptualised and changed. Being the first stand-alone Star Wars movie, there was already tensions with its release, so when word came that the film was to be redrafted, this sparked tension. This articles tells us why this happened and how it was dealt with. This could be an interesting topic to include in my magazine spread.

Jellyfish Pictures join the production crew for Rogue One for 9 months to help with the previsualisation process. By creating short animations, this helped the concept and editing teams by giving them a starting point and an idea of exactly what to make. It gave them some guidelines. This website shows a video at the bottom, comparing the previsual animations with the final shots where you can clearly see the inspiration taken. This is proof of good planning and execution and would be something interesting to mention in my project.