Hot Fuzz
Hot Fuzz is a comedic-drama created by Edgar Wright, starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. The storyline is in the perspective of a police officer who is turned away by the big city as he is too good of a detective and the higher power in the city do not want to lose their jobs. So he is sent to a village that is rated the most peaceful. With the help of his partner, he finds out the reason for this rating. The town has an allegance to allow crime to slide "for the greater good". Simon Peggs character does his job and ends all the crime and murder in the town. At the end, the city police force beg Simon to come back to them - however he simply declines and continues work in the small village.

•What does Every Frame a Painting say about Edgar Wright’s approach? How does Edgar Wright take mundane scenes and find new ways to do them?
•What can you learn from Edgar Wright in making humorous films? How can you use his influence in shooting and editing?
Edgar Wright uses comedy in the form of:
Visual Comedy (1)
Characters leaving and entering frame in humerous ways (2)
Fast and matching cuts (3)
Actions with music (4)
and Using overpowered lighting (5)