Week 3
This week we were told to investigate freelancing, freelancers, and what their jobs consist of.
A freelancer is "a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term." (google definition). I interpret this as a worker who is given a theme or topic, and is told to create a product for a product/company/buisness. The freelancer has all the freedom of creation and isnt held to many restrictions. The person is paid for this task, however, after the job is done, they are back to being unemployed. I see the job as very inconsistant and unreliable.

Hi, my name is Laurie Cope. I produce 3D visualised characters, environments and props. My background originates in fine art, however, after spending all my time on the computer, I decided that's where I should also work. If you are interested in checking out more of my work I have listed a bunch of links below, please contact me on any of my social media or email me at Laurie.J.Cope@gmail.com I'm a big fan of Star Wars, Snowboarding and Zbrush.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cope_cg/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmQWNcuJXUSdB2mx00iTa1w
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Reaversharks
Website: https://sixteencupsoftea.wixsite.com/copecg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CopeCG/
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/reaversharks
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user84208451
The freelancing profile I am going to look at is by a Student named Laurie Cope. I found his profile on ScreenSkills. In his description of himself, he has written his experteise, his past, hobbies, and also has left links to his social media platforms so that employers can look at the work he has produced. I think this is a decent example of a freelancing profile as it is very 'to the point' and doesnt delay by rambling. I like how he has included MANY website links that display his work as it shows he can use various platforms. The profile picture is very normal, and not immature which is good.
Laurie has put his profile up on ScreenSkills which is a good platform and website to get his products shown as it is well known in the media industry for its educational perks. Employers probably look at these profiles on ScreenSkills and no doubt Laurie uses his facebook, twitter, youtube and them other refered websites to further promote his service.