Week 2
For week 2 of the progression tasks, we were asked to create something that reflects and shows how we are coping with the lockdown restrictions. I decided to make a little gaming montage as I have been spending most of my time playing games.
There is a program called HLAE which allows creators to watch preview played games back, and create smooth cinematics using console commands and lines of code. I started off by writing down the commands that I remembered and researching how to use the program.

After this I used the program to create the cinematics. I recorded EVERYTHING as 50% speed so that in post during the edit, I can speed it back up and it will be smoother. I essentially recorded in 120fps.
After I recorded all the gameplay I needed. It came to the edit. I started off by clipping together all the gameplay and the cinematics using luma key and dissolve transitions. After chosing the song "Drug Lullaby" by Tokyos Revenge, I imported that in the backgroud to keep audience retention.
As I recorded everything in 50% the audio was messed up and unusable. So I added custom audio in the final edit. All of the gunshots that you hear are added in post and synced up with the video for each gun fire animation as well as the reload sounds. I felt the audio overpowered the music so I decreased the audio by 7dB.
Here is the final edit: