Week 6
For week 6, we have been asked to look at streaming sites like Netflix, and how they are so successful.
Examine one specific part of a platform, such as Adult Swim on Netflix.
Adult swim is a network which uses Netflix as a hosting and streaming service. Adult swim are known for their cartoons and "absurd" comedy/storylines. They use Netflix as they are much larger than themselves and their target audience already use the platform. So it would make sense to advertise and put their products on this service.
Examine several specific media products/TV shows that this platform broadcasts.
Adult Swim are mainly known for Rick and Morty and Big Mouth. I covered Rick and Morty briefly last week. Big Mouth is about teenagers who are growing up in high school and going through puberty. They use a metaphor in the "puberty monster" that lurks over them and creates a real character out of their emotions. This relates to teenagers well as it is about similar senarios that they are going through. It also normalises a lot of struggles and insecurities that many teenagers have. 60% of Netflix's users are 15-18 years old. This is the perfect scene for Adult Swim to thrive.
What is interesting and original in these products?
What is interesting about Adult Swims content is the art style, and humour. Not many other companies are as outgoing as Adult Swim when it comes to comedy. Many companies are scared of offending people or losing monitisation by including dark comedy - however this is how shows like Rick and Morty and Big Mouth thrive.
What makes it fun/engaging?
Something Adult Swim does very well is 'break the fourth wall'. This is when the aniamted characters speak directly to the audience and break character or scenario. This engages the audience and makes it seem like the protagonist is speaking to the viewer. This is also a fun concept as it is suprising when it happens. Audiences dont expect it.
Who is it aimed at? When and how is it broadcast? Does it have age-restrictions?
As i mentioned earlier, Adult Swim is targeted towards 15-18 year olds, young adults. Normally, episodes are released as a whole series on Netflix, but on platforms like Channel 4, they are streamed weekly. Rick and Mortys suggested age limit is 16+ and Big Mouths is 15+. I think them restrictions are fair.
How successful has it been? Why?
What makes these shoes successful is the relatability and humour. They perfectly grasp their target audience and makes them feel like they are inside of the fantasy worlds, living the life of the characters they watch. The humour is very accurate to what teenagers secretly want to hear and be a part of. And as not many companies use edgy humour, Adult Swim stands out.
Is it more enjoyable to watch it as a group? (think of the uses and gratifications theory)
While you dont have to watch either series in a group, I can see why people would want to. There are very laughable moments that can be enjoyed more in a group. Continuing with jokes they brushed upon and also referencing the show in everyday life. Being able to reference a show like that by copying something a character said is a good way to keep it memorable, and viewers will go back and watch it multiple times.