Audience Definition Statement
My Look Book is aimed at 16-19 year old students.
My target audience will be interested in fashion, mainstream brands, and ultimately staying modern by wearing modern clothes and using modern methods.
They watch Look Books to influence them to buy products and to gather new ideas of what to wear. If the Look Book is not engaging with modern effects and editing, the audience is less likely to buy the product - so mine will have lots of modern editing.
Generally in adverts and Look Books, modern editing is a must, confident acting is important, and Hip-Hop/Rap is the most popular style of music genre.
Target Market Statement
For 16-19 year olds, my Look Book idea is relevant as I am going to use modern music, modern effects, and modern editing. This will capture the audience’s attention as these sort of things appeal to them – as gathered and proven by my questionnaire.
My Look Book targets an audience through displaying designer clothing in a very modern and fashionable context. I think that this will be effective in gaining audience retention as 16-19 year olds aspire to be able to have and wear designer brands. Also by using modern visual effects and camera skills, more teenagers are likely to purchase the product.
Plan for Practical Research
To understand my audience, I created a questionaire to find out about my audiences interests and media usage. This told me the age of my audience and what my audience would like to see within a LookBook. I used this information when it came to my storyboard to make sure the audience would be engaged.

Analysing Fashion Advertising - 01
GUCCI Spring Summer 2016 Campaign Film
This Look Book targets an audience through the style of clothing and the music. I think that the music sets a tone that that is meant to appeal to a slightly older audience. I also think that the style of the clothing that they are wearing in the video appeal to older, outgoing personalities as it is very loud and bright in colour.
They have shot the Look Book at a Mall. I think they have chosen this
environment to seem relatable as most people have been to a Mall before,
and recognise the surroundings. This Look Book signifies a lifestyle of a
good social life, happiness, and there are elements of being edgy
(skateboarding, sliding across floor, running around the mall, going to the
roof of the building etc.). This Look Book uses conventions such as framing,
editing, special effects, etc. For example, in this scene, they use the door
frame as framing. Brand names are features in the Look Book, through the
style and trademarks of the brand, Gucci. This is to advertise the brand
and give exposure to their products.In my own Look Book, I can be influenced to use special effects and use name brands to make my project seem more professional. I will use transitions and effects inspired by these Look Books.

Analysing Fashion Advertising - 02
Louis Vuitton Look book Video
This Look Book targets a wealthy audience through the style of clothing and the lifestyle portrayed. I think that the music sets a tone that that is meant to appeal to a slightly richer audience. I also think that the style of the clothing that they are wearing in the video appeal to wealthier, outgoing personalities as it is very loud and bright in colour.
They have shot the Look Book at an Airfield. I think they have chosen
this environment to seem show and emphasise how wealthy the
characters are – to portray a lavish life style. This Look Book
signifies a lifestyle of a good social life, happiness, wealth, and
there are elements of being edgy (flying plane by their selves, etc.).
This Look Book uses conventions such as framing, editing, special
effects, etc. For example, in this scene, they use the planes window
as framing. Brand names are features in the Look Book, through
the style and trademarks of the brand, Louis Vuitton. This is to
advertise the brand and give exposure to their products. In my own Look Book, I can be influenced to use special effects and use name brands to make my project seem more professional. I will use transitions and effects inspired by these Look Books.

Fashion in Media
How has fashion been advertised using different forms of media?
Fashion is advertised in many ways, forms and platforms. Such as: TV, Radio, Billboards, Magazines, Newspapers, and Internet etc.
How has this reached different audiences?
By putting specific adverts in appropriate forms of media sends the right products to the targeted audience.
How has fashion advertising changed due to social media?
Independent fashion brands have become easier to grow as there is more ways to share and advertise the products.
How are fashion adverts made to encourage a ‘social’ usage? Why do you think this is?
In fashion advertising, the models are seen talking to each other and socialising. This is to keep a realistic effect to the advert as well as promoting socialising to the youth.

To practice using different camera angles, we created this reinactment of Romeo and Juliet:
I researched the different camera modes used on Canon and Nikon cameras so I could take the best photographs and shots I could. I also done a quick summary of my knowledge of the different tools in Premiere Pro. Here is my research:

How is fashion advertised on different media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, magazine covers, billboards etc)?
Fashion is advertised by using different forms of marketing. This can involve, digital pop up ads, billboards, TV advertisments, and more. These advertisments depend on the platform that they are on or involved with. However way the audience is going to see the ad the most, is the method they will use to advertise
How can advertising through social media have a social use?
If you advertise through social media, people will start talking about it and the product will become seen during 'social time' in peoples lives. This means that they will remember the product more and will socialise on the topic of the product.
In your opinion, which media platform for fashion is most effective at targeting 16-18 year olds in the UK? Why?
I believe that Instagram is the best media platform for fashion because there are over 1 billion users on the platform and without any statistics, I can approximate that over 400 million of these users are 16-18 years old. Because of social influencers on other platforms like YouTube and Facebook, many teenagers will follow the creators on instagram and pick up on their fashion. This is why brands like GymShark create brand deals with these users.
Which media platforms would you use to target your audience for the Look Book? Why?
I would upload my LookBook onto YouTube, and advertise the video on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Doing this will gain the attention of my desired target audience as these platforms are the most used by 16-18 year olds.
How did your choice of music for the Look Book aim to target the audience?
My choise of music is from a creator that is connected with trending topics making it quite popular. Also the choise of the music being slow instead of upbeat and fast was tactical as I aimed to influence my audience into engaging into this type of music and the type of people who listen to this music - as the style is quite new and not very popular.